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Sutton High School

Ultimate Performance - Summer 2025

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Save £45 with our Ultimate Winter Saver!

1Add Children

Please give first names of your children - we will get their full details later in the booking process.

2Select course dates

If you are wanting different dates for each child, add all the dates and then remove dates from specific child on the next screen.

Select the courses you want

3Extended Day Passes - £9 per day

Our standard hours are drop off 08.30 to 09.30 and collect 16.30 to 17.15. To give you more flexibility, we offer an optional Extended Day Pass (EDP) where you can drop off from 8am and collect until 6pm. Children will enjoy supervised activities to keep them happy and entertained.

Please select dates above.
Total £0.00
Final total: £0.00