Rainforest Survival

Rainforest Evacuation

Learn To Survive And THRIVE!

Rainforest Evacuation


This exciting new theme sees our Survivors parachuting into the Australian Rainforest after their aircraft suffers an extremely rare, DOUBLE engine failure. Luckily all escape unscathed, but for our survivors, this leap of faith is only the beginning.

Over the course of the week, your survivors and their camp mates will endeavour to learn, develop, and master the skills needed not only to survive but to thrive in the Australian Rainforest. They will have access only to the limited equipment they were able to salvage from the wreckage and will therefore have to be highly resourceful when taking on the many challenges the rainforest throws their way.

What will they learn?

Our Rainforest Evacuation theme will feature 4 different activities each day, where survivors will learn skills such as how to build shelter and raise their beds up off the rainforest floor to stay out of reach of scorpions and other creepy crawlies. They will learn to forage for food, purify water and even cook for themselves! It’s no secret that Australian rainforests come with their own predators, so over the course of the week our survivors will not only learn to defend themselves, but also how to track and trap their own prey.

Sample Timetable

Rainforest evacuation timetable

New for 2025!

You will see on the timetable above that we have a number of new activities as part of our Rainforest Evacuation programme for 2025, bringing the theme to life and offering new challenges to children who have attended in the past. Just look for ⭐ activities!

Orienteering: A core skill for survivors - they'll learn how to orient a map, and navigate using their surroundings. 

Chevron bracelets and keyrings: Survivors will make intricate bracelets or keychains using ancient weaving techniques.

⭐  Build a beast: Creativity time! Children will create their very own forest beast in their groups, and craft it out of clay, and other natural materials. They will need to consider what it eats, how it camouflages itself, how it defends itself, etc. Earn more points for extra creativity!

⭐  Parachute rescue: A First Aid Rescue scenario! Children will rescue someone caught in a parachute, and learn to treat their injuries and survive

Slacklining challenges: Balance, perseverance, and technique will be put to the test with various slackline challenges where survivors will work together to complete the course.

Rainforest escape room: Follow the clues, answer the questions and break the code to escape.


Monday 28th July to Friday 1st August 2025

Monday 11th to Friday 15th August 2025