Boy at computer with headphones

Creative Explorations With Generative AI

Ultimate Online: Creative Explorations with Generative AI

Pre-skilling Students aged 13+ for the Future through the Creative Application of Generative AI

It has been just over a year since ChatGPT burst onto the scene and quickly became one of the most popular apps of all time. Although AI hasn’t revolutionised our lives yet - it is becoming clear that Generative AI will be central to our everyday lives going forward. 

Unlike coding (or coding-based AI use), Generative AI, will be streamlined into user-friendly, and intuitive tools, accessible to all. This accessibility implies a shift where in the next decade, AI use is poised to become an expectation for everyone, and those who can leverage Generative AI in their education and careers will have a distinct advantage.


Help Your Child Get Ahead Of The Curve This October!

Dates, times and prices

  • Future dates to be confirmed
  • 3 x half-day online course
  • Ages 13+
  • 3 Hours per day
  • 1pm to 4pm


☑️ Provide a comprehensive understanding of generative AI, its applications and its implications.

☑️ Encourage creative thinking and problem-solving using AI tools.

☑️ Develop students' confidence in using generative AI responsibly

☑️ Cultivate an ethical perspective on AI development and usage

☑️ Hands-on experience using programmes including Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT and Suno

The experts at SureStart

SureStart is a globally recognised leading provider of AI and tech-based courses in the United States and we are delighted to partner with them on this exciting new course. The course will be delivered virtually by experienced mentors and facilitators who are graduates from top US institutions such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard, and Carnegie Mellon, with each mentor, an expert in technology, AI, and its creative and innovative applications. 

Their CEO and Founder, Dr. Taniya Mishra has been an AI scientist for over 10 years, with many peer-reviewed articles, 88 patents, and featured American press articles in MIT Technology Review, NBC Learn, and The Atlantic. Here are just some of their most recent awards:

?WomenTech Network’s Mentor of the Year Award Winner 2020

?WomenTech Network’s Global AI Inclusion Award Winner 2021

?VentureBeat Women in AI Innovation Awards 2021: AI Mentorship Award Nominee

?Women in AI NA Awards 2023: AI for Good - DEI AI Leader of the Year


The modules:

The course is structured into three engaging modules, each lasting approximately 3 hours. Each module includes interactive activities that blend creative tasks with AI tool applications. 

Additional Info